Notifications - Important Messages
Bugfix. Detailview has become close Button for Mobile Devices. On larger Displays u can also click outside of the dialog for jump out.
05/03/2022 03:42Ad List view has become a filter function. Button is at bottom right. The Button will trigger a Dialog-Modal. In this Dialog you can select your params.
05/03/2022 01:05Ad Detail View finished. And our app ismobile optimized.
05/03/2022 01:02Allowed Type Filter: only one, Category only one, Services: all, Country: one, depending on Country you can filter Regions to 3. If all is not enough you can also search trought advertisement text and/or usernames. I started with some count of countrys, if you need another countrys so contact me.
03/03/2022 02:26On the top left our logo will blink if the app is something doing.
13/08/2022 19:19Our next Project sprint is between 28.2 - 6.3.2022. We want finish the Detail view from Ads. All ad's are dummy fantasy items at the momment.
13/02/2022 20:49This Website is at the momment in Alpha Version, so we are testing couple of things. You can register and use chat function but keep in mind in every milestone Version we can ... maybe delete Database Data. So better u wait, we will inform you here and on social Media when we go to production mode.
22/01/2022 23:28Maps Marker-Clustering implemented. Now its really nice to have an overview over all Countrys and Regions.
10/01/2022 05:55Map Logic and GUI coding finished. We show only Platinum and Gold during the Service time and other Subscriptions only if its not older than 1 hour. For other Ideas we are open. Just tell to us. Dont forget to Fill up under Settings your Address Informations. Without this map will not show your Ad.
03/01/2022 15:36Frontend Filter UI and Logic implemented. (Development Version.). Until now not patched live version.
19/12/2021 02:23Backend Filter Logic implemented
19/12/2021 02:22Backend update done.
24/11/2021 14:15For security Reasons, never share your payment informations with others.
24/11/2021 13:15Updating Backend.
24/11/2021 10:44API Test done. New functions implemented.
24/11/2021 10:36